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At GES Cairo we believe that every child deserves to receive the best possible opportunities which enables them to reach their full potential; starting from our Early Years Foundation Stage by building firm foundations that are being built on throughout their school journey.

Our broad curriculum is based on the National Curriculum of England and Wales. The EYFS Framework and Development Matter documents promote our teaching and learning, the enhanced provision and the next steps planned for our pupils' development.

Children in EYFS will develop physically, verbally, and emotionally with an embedded positive attitude towards learning through a play based learning environment. EYFS teachers support the children's development by continuously assessing each child's skills, knowledge and interests to inform the future plan for their next steps in learning while monitoring and tracking their attainment and progress.

Children will learn and develop across the seven main areas of learning:

The Prime Areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (Self-regulation Managing Self and Building Relationships)

Communication and Language (Listening, Understanding; and Speaking)

Physical Development (Gross motor and fine motor skills)

The Specific Areas:

Literacy (Comprehension, Reading and Writing)

Mathematics (Number and Numerical patterns)

Understanding of the World (Past and present; People, culture and communities; and The natural world)

Expressive Arts and Design (Creating with materials and Being imaginative and expressive)

We implement these areas by providing a safe and stimulating learning environment that allows children to be unique, constantly learning through discovery and challenge while developing their resilience, independence, capabilities and self-confidence to move into the Primary Stage.

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